Membres des comités de sélection 2020-2021

Membre Département Institution
Dr Todd Duhamel (président) Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management University of Manitoba
Dr Alfonso Abizaid Bucio Department of Psychology Carleton University
Dre Vickie Baracos Department of Oncology University of Alberta
Dre Cheryl Barnabe Department of Medicine and Community Health Science University of Calgary
Dre Amélie Blanchet Garneau Faculté des sciences infirmières Université de Montréal
Dr Pierre Blier Département de psychiatrie et Département de médecine cellulaire et moléculaire Université d'Ottawa
Dre Jeanette Boudreau Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Department of Pathology Dalhousie University
Dr Christian Casanova École d'optométrie Université de Montréal
Dr Pedro Geraldes Département de médecine Université de Sherbrooke
Dre Chantal Guillemette Faculté de pharmacie Université Laval
Dr Andrew Leask College of Dentistry University of Saskatchewan
Dre Barbara Morrongiello Department of Psychology Toronto General Hospital/University of Toronto
Dr Andrew Mouland Department of Medicine McGill University
Dre Megan O’Connell College of Arts and Science University of Saskatchewan
Dr Steven Prescott Department of Physiology Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto)
Dr Christian Rochefort École des sciences infirmières Université de Sherbrooke
Dr Tibor Schuster Department of Family Medicine McGill University
Dr Alexandre Stewart Department of Medicine and in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Dre Olga Theou Department of Medicine Dalhousie University
Dre Brenda Vrkljan Faculty of Health Science McMaster University
Membre Département Institution
Dr Cameron Tropea (président) Department of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics Darmstadt Technical University
Dre Bernadette Ardelli Department of Biology Brandon University
Dre Kim Baines Department of Chemistry University of Western Ontario
Dr Fitsum Tariku Building Science British Columbia Institute of Technology
Dr Jeff Bowman Department of Environmental & Life Sciences University of Trent
Dre Carolyn McGregor Faculty of Business and Information Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Dre Valerie Chappe Department of Physiology and Biophysics Dalhousie University
Dre Carmen Mihaela Neculita Institut de recherche en mines et environnement Université du Québec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue
Dr Loic Boulon Institut de recherche sur l’hydrogène Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Dre Paola Flocchini School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Université d'Ottawa
Dr Vincent Hénault-Brunet Department of Astronomy & Physics Saint Mary's University
Dr Daniel Fiset Département de psychoéducation et psychologie Université du Québec en Outaouais
Dr Wadood Hamad Science Manager, Transformation and Interfaces FPIInnovations
Dre Daria Camilla Boffito Département de génie chimique Polytechnique Montréal
Dre Lisa Loseto Centre national d'excellence pour la recherche aquatique dans l'Arctique Pêches et Océans Canada
Dre Fanie Pelletier Département de biologie Université de Sherbrooke
Dr Stephen Pistorius Physics and Astronomy University of Manitoba
Dr Philippe Lavoie Institute for Aerospace Studies University of Toronto
Membre Département Institution
Dr Arn Keeling (président) Department of Geography Memorial University of Newfoundland
Dre Darlene Abreu-Ferreira Department of History University of Winnipeg
Dre Jeannette Armstrong Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies University of British Columbia
Dre Lauren Beck Department of Modern Languages and Literatures Mount Allison University
Dr Jason Bell Department of Philosophy University of New Brunswick
Dr William Bukowski Department of Psychology Concordia University
Dre Ruth Dassonneville Département de science politique Université de Montréal
Dr Karounga Diawara Faculté de droit Université Laval
Dr Chris Furgal Department of Indigenous Studies Trent University
Dre Anne Godlewska Department of Geography and Planning Queen's University (Kingston)
Dr Emmanuel Koku Department Communication, Culture, and Media (Sociology) Drexel University
Dre Fiona McDonald Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies University of British Columbia
Dre Kimberly Noels Department of Psychology University of Alberta
Dre Catherine Ratelle Département des fondements et pratiques en éducation Université Laval
Dre Keren Rice Department of Linguistics University of Toronto
Dr Louis Trudel Éducation Université d'Ottawa
Dr Nong Zhu Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
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