Membres des comités de sélection 2023-2024

Membre Département Institution
Dr Todd Duhamel (Président) Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management University of Manitoba
Dr Ritu Aneja School of Health Professions University of Alabama at Birmingham
Dr Denis Blondin Département de médecine Université de Sherbrooke
Dre Christine E. Cassidy School of Nursing Dalhousie University
Dr Daniel Coutu Department of Cellular & Molecular Medicine Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Dre Heather Foulds College of Kinesiology University of Saskatchewan
Dr Scott Holmes Department of Anaesthesia Boston Children's Hospital
Dre Naana Jumah Faculty of Medicine Lakehead University
Dre Claudia Kleinman Department Human Genetics McGill University
Dre Hélène Lapperrière School of Nursing University of Ottawa
Dre Nicole Letourneau Faculty of Nursing University of Calgary
Dre Linda C. Li Department of Physical Therapy University of British Columbia
Dre Caroline Menard Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences Université Laval
Dr Nathan Nickel Department of Community Health Sciences University of Manitoba
Dr Michael Olson Department of Chemistry & Biology Toronto Metropolitan University
Dr Steven Prescott Department of Physiology Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto)
Dre Naglaa Shoukry Department of medicine Université de Montréal
Dr Martin Sirois Department of Pharmacology and physiology Institut de cardiologie de Montréal
Dr Frank Stahnisch Department of History University of Calgary
Dr Sébastien Talbot Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences Queen’s University
Dre Ajitha Thanabalasuriar Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics McGill University
Dr Darren Warburton School of Kinesiology University of British Columbia
Membre Département Institution
Dre Kimberly Woodhouse (Présidente) Department of chemical engineering Queen’s University
Dre Myrle Ballard Department of Earth, Energy, and Environment University of Manitoba
Dr Hichem Ben-El-Mechaiekh Department of Mathematics & Statistics Brock University
Dr Blaise Bourdin Department of Mathematics & Statistics McMaster University
Dr Steve Bourgault Department of Chemistry Université de Québec à Montréal
Dre Deanna Burgart Chemical and Petroleum Engineering University of Calgary
Dre Virginie Charrette Département de mathématiques Université de Sherbrooke
Dre Maycira Costa Department of Geography University of Victoria
Dr Steve Cui Agriculture and Food Canada
Dre Michèle Desjardins Département de physique, de génie physique et d’optique Université Laval
Dre Amy Desroches Department of Psychology University of Winnipeg
Dr Erwan Gloaguen Eau Terre Environnement Centre Institute national de la recherche scientifique
Dre Jennifer Grenz Department of Forest Resources Management University of British Columbia
Dr Jason Gu Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dalhousie University
Dr Mike Hinchey Department of Computer Science and Information Systems University of Limerick
Dr Michel Julien Department of Mechanical Engineering Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
Dre Jana Levison School of Engineering University of Guelph
Dre Xiaodong Liang Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Saskatchewan
Dr Pablo Nepomnaschy Faculty of Health Sciences Simon Fraser University
Dr Damiano Pasini Department of Mechanical Engineering McGill University
Dr Éric Rosa Institut de recherche en mines et en environnement (IRME) Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Dre Clara Santato Department of Engineering Physics Polytechnique Montréal
Dre Veronica Whitford Department of Psychology University of New Brunswick
Membre Département Institution
Dre Kimberly Noels (Présidente) Department of Psychology University of Alberta
Dre Rukhsana Ahmed Department of Communication State University of New York at Albany
Dre Isabelle Archambault Faculté des arts et des sciences - École de psychoéducation Université de Montréal
Dr Boulou Ebanda de B’béri Faculty of Arts University of Ottawa
Dre Lori Chambers Department of Gender and Women's Studies Health Sciences Lakehead University
Dr Benoit Éthier École d'études autochtones Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Dr Chris Furgal Department of Indigenous Studies Trent University
Dr Lars K Hallstrom Director of the Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy University of Lethbridge
Dre Michaela Hynie Department of Psychology York University
Dr Jean-Michel Landry Department of Sociology and Anthropology Carleton Univeristy
Dr Bertrand Lavoie Faculté de droit Université de Sherbrooke
Dre Natalie Loveless Department of Art & Design University of Alberta
Dr Jérôme Melançon Philosophy and Classics University of Regina
Dre Janine Elizabeth Metallic Department of Integrated Studies in Education McGill University
Dre Sasha Mullally History Department University of New Brunswick
Dr Adolf Ng Department of Supply Chain Management University of Manitoba
Dre Elena Nicoladis Department of Psychology University of British Columbia - Okanagan
Dre Elizabeth Page-Gould Department of Psychology University of Toronto
Dre Paloma Raggo School of Public Policy & Administration Carleton University
Dr Jonathan Roberge Centre Urbanisation Culture Société Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Dre Roza Tchoukaleyska Department of Geography Western University
Dre Erin Wunker Department of English Dalhousie University
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